AquaVENT® VT Breathing Circuits

AquaVENT® VT Breathing Circuits

Flowkit breathing circuits with AquaVENT® VT technology provide humidity for the patient and a dry expiratory limb for staff.

Optimal Humidity, Minimal Condensate

Optimal humidity is necessary in the management of invasively ventilated patients. With active humidification systems, water in the expiratory limb is a common problem.

Vapour Transition (VT) - how does it work?

Key Benefits of AquaVENT® VT

1. Optimal Humidification

The patented AquaVENT® Heated Wire designs minimises loss of water vapour in the inspiratory limb, delivering optimal humidification to the patient.

2. Dry Expiratory Limb

The unique layered properties of the expiratory limb achieves a high Moisture Vapour Transition Rate (MVTR), providing a dry expiratory limb.

3. BioCote® Antimicrobial Protection

BioCote® antimicrobial silver additive limits the number of microbes on the surface of the breathing circuit, protecting it from microbial colonisation.