Coaxial circuits

Coaxial circuits

Coaxial single-limb circuits designed for anaesthesia, accessories include integral gas sampling line, and APL valve for adaption to manual ventilation.


A series of design configurations cover all elements of respiratory support from anaesthesia preoxygenation through to intensive care ventilation.

  • Single system for multi-procedure applications eliminates individual circuits to cover all procedures
  • Low resistance to gas flow; more efficient tidal volume exchange
  • Generates a thermally efficient micro-climate providing improved humidity levels.
  • Single limb system reduces ‘clutter’ around surgical site increasing access for upper body surgery
  • Suitable for adult and paediatric use
  • BioCote® protected

Why choose POINT® High Flow system ?

Low profile ultra soft prongs with Bi-lateral application and breathing filter.

Variable Oxygen Concentration 21-100% for recovery, laser/diathermy and patients with COPD.

POINT® circuit compatible with MaxVenturi for recovery and transport.

POINT® Blenders