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Embletta MPR & MPR PG

The Future of Sleep Recording

Emletta MPR : Reorded Channels - 7, Pressure , Sound,
Gravity (X/Y/Z), Battery, Event Button, SpO2, SpO2 B-B, SpO2 Quality, Pluse Rate,
Plethymogram, RD Quality, PPG, Nasla Flow, Mask Pressure Shore, Sound Amplitute,
Body Position, Activity, Elevation (Multiple additional traces derived by software)

Emletta MPR PG: Reorded Channels - 12, Pressure , Sound,Gravity (X/Y/Z),
bipolar ExG, Thermistor, Thoracic Effort (RIP), Abdomnal Effort (RIP), DC (0-1V),
Battery, Event Button, Sp)2, SpO2 B-B, Sp)2 Quality, Pluse Rate,
Plethymogram, RD Quality, PPG, Nasal Flow, Mask Pressure Shore, Sound Amplitute,
Body Position, Activity, Elevation (Multiple additional traces derived by software)